My Holiday Weekend

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         On my holiday weekend I didn’t really do anything but shop A LOT.  My family and I  went to Black Friday at the San Marcos mall. We shopped for everything from head to toe. Shoes, shirts, jeans, everything. It was like someone had let go of the leash to their dog and the dog goes crazy. There was barely any space to park a car so we had to park at the end of the parking lot and walk at least a block in 30 degrees weather just to get to the mall.

          On my holiday weekend, we also went to a Thanksgiving dinner at my friend’s house. Everyone that we knew was there and their kids also came. All of the kids had to play together upstairs and it did not go well. There were toys thrown everywhere and there were kids running around. The parents kept yelling to stop running and making a lot of noise.  When we went down to eat, there was barely any space to serve ourselves to something but we got through it and we all had the time of our lives.

           On my holiday weekend, I pretty much just stayed up really late and had a movie marathon of some kind all day long. I had a really fun time on my holiday weekend just hanging out with my friends and family.


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The T.V. Is on. “Glee” is running and they are singing “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey. I can hear my mom cooking something that is making a steaming sound. I see my dad on the laptop doing work or watching a movie in the living room.

I finally get to my room. There are books lying everywhere; starting from TX history to science. My dirty clothes up on top of the left side of my dresser. The blanket is in a huge hump and going off the bed as if someone had ransacked it.

I feel the humpy paint of the wall on my hand as I go down the stairs. There are black marks on the wall around it are from when furniture had scratched the wall. They are there also because sometimes when I am carrying something downstairs.


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We were driving home from a party at 11:00 in the night. In the car was my sister, my mom, my friend, and me. We start going down 360 when BAM! The rain hits us in a wave.

It is impossible to see anything outside even though the wipers were on full speed. I almost felt the crystal droplets of water coming through the ceiling and on to me.

Then, all of a sudden, there was a big flash of light that blinded us so much my mom had to hit the brakes. My friend was afraid of lightning so she kept screaming whenever she saw a flash.

Then, the thunder starts rolling in with another big BAM! Our car turns into total chaos as I try to calm my friend, my sister is trying to help my mom see where she is going, and my mom not being able to see where to drive. But we finally get home and everything is all right again.

A Moment I Remember

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      “Where in the world is my mom,” I thought to myself. The note was supposed to come five minutes ago yet I am still sitting behind my old worn out desk.

       “I swear if my mom is late I will kill myself,” I said to myself in my head. I couldn’t think about anything else. My heart is pounding at 180 miles per hour and I am near to sweating. I keep biting my nails, I made them to stubs. I tap my foot impatiently as all I want to do is get up and go to my braces appointment.

        I couldn’t couldn’t wait for the note anymore. I barely rose out of my chair as a student with a note in their hand gives the note to my teacher. I sat back down, now my heart was pounding at 200 miles per hour and. I couldn’t stop it.

     ” Hansika, you have to leave for a dentist appointment,” says my teacher, as I gather my stuff, take the note, and walk out the door. Now my head starts spinning.


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I love swimming. It is really fun to race your friends or joining swim teams. I am not in a swim team but I really enjoy swimming because I have time to hang out with my friends and I love swimming. Whenever I go swimming with my friends, we always have fun climbing on each other’s backs, trying to hold our breath for a longer time than the other person, seeing who can get to the other side first, or just talking and standing around in the pool.


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I love playing tennis. It is a challenging and fun game. I am not very good at it but I will work hard to get better. At first I thought it was really boring and my mom was pushing me to do it. Now, I love playing it and how the game works. I play with my friends sometimes but I mostly go to private lessons. My family tells me that if I keep working hard and practice a lot, then I will get better and I can start going to tournaments just like some of my other friends do.
Tennis Ball (32/365)
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Leon Rice-Whetton via Compfight

Basketball: Preposition Poem

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This is a poem me and my friend Amulya made about basketball.

Beside the court cheering on teammates,
Underneath all the pressure,
The coach calls on me to jump in,
The ball dribbling against my hand,
Following no one besides the hoop,
Dashing across the court,
Next to my aiming goal,
Into the hoop it goes,
Among the cheering of the crowds,
We won the trophy.
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Makena Zayle Gadient via Compfight

Favorite Quotes

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“In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.”

– Bill Cosby

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

-Winston Churchill

” Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.”

– Dalai Lama

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”

– Mahatma Gandhi

“A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.”

– Steve Martin